Friday, 16 May 2008

Decisions, Decisions....RIP Leopard Print Tights

Leopard Footless: Bought of friend (£5), Green Dress: Asda (£17), Zebra Footless: H&M (£1), Black Stretch Jersey Dress: H&M (£9.99)
I am going out tomorrow night and I can't decide which dress combo to wear.

I adore my Asda dress, and am sad that I have only worn it once. It's one of my special occasions dresses. Sadly; Very Sad actually - I do not have that many special occasions to go to. Ahh the shame. So anyway I recently bought these leopard print footless tights of a friend because my other pair died (the pair I am wearing in the banner/title picture). I only wore them out once. And a ladder secretly crept up on me and it grew. I loved them, though a little too big (What! They were the last pair!). I must go Primark and see if they have more, only a pound! The new ones, however, are the best leopard print tights I have ever seen. They are sheer, has gold and silver glow to them and then the faint leopard print. The combo looks good together and my plaid black/white/green Nike Blazers will go super well with it.

The other option is less 'in ya' face'. Its a black dress. I hardly ever wear black. But I love this dress too. More casual but I will bring it to live with the barginlicious Zebra print footless tights (No I am not betraying my leopard prints!) and some bling-a-ling. I think its really cute dress. I recently bought it so I have not worn it. What if I never have a chance to wear it?! Definitely need to bring it to New York. And the Asda one actually. Oh My. I may bring everything. Even though I said I wouldn't. Dam.

So what should I do? Go cute or go funky?! AHH. Decisions, Decisions!


Stephie said...

I vote for une vert robe.

Thats, "green dress". I think.

yoshi said...

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