Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A Day in the Park...

...well more like an hour and half really...!

It was still sunny when I got to Hyde Park but it was bloody chilly. Sun+Wind=Sun is almost no more. Dammit! Just when I was starting to enjoy the sun and have time to enjoy it, it decides to fade and say s'laters to London Town. I guess my skinnies and tees will be coming out very soon.

Here is what will most probably be the last picture of me in a dress...or something remotely 'summery' (Trainers and dress match (^_^)!):

Dress: H&M (£9.99), Vest: H&M (£3.99), Leggings: Primark, Trainers: Nike Dunks Low (£55)

But let's hope for the best and wish the rain away.

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