Friday, 16 May 2008

Can you keep a secret?

I have a secret. It's a good one. Well really, I have no idea if it is a secret, since I have told only Rachie, and maybe everybody else knows but is also keeping it secret. You know what I mean? Anyway, the 'secret' is...Catwalk to Closet. The reason I have been keeping it secret is because, by my reasoning, if everyone new about it, the prices would go up, as soon as new items came in they would be snapped up, and I wouldn't be able to stare at the beauty that is a £600-off bag. It is an online shop, that sells designer clothes, bags, shoes, etc for loads of money off. Missoni, Chloe, Anna Sui, Cavalli, True Religion, Miu Miu and my personal favourate Marc Jacobs, all on sale. All the time. I love it. Although I haven't bought anything yet, because, well, they may be on sale but the good stuff is still expensive and at the moment I am broke. Its one of those websites where you browse through, and after a while £200 doesn't seem like that much for a shirt. Because, hello, its Chloe!! Also these shoes, which I would seriously consider cutting my toes off to wear. But I am biding my time, waiting till by some miracle that Marc Jacobs dress comes down some more and I will swoop in with my debit card. Which is why I'm warning you: If I post this and my dress goes, I will hunt down whoever bought it. It's a size 8, looks like a big black bag and I don't care. Its £650!! Down from £2750!!!
I just want to look at it. And I could totally make it work.
So remember: with great power comes great responsibilty. Use this information well. (And any other secret cliches you can think of) And please, for the love of Marc, don't tell everyone! xoxo

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