Tuesday, 20 May 2008

All Things Sweet

I have this thing for buying things. I like buying things which resemble food. Especially sweet foods. I have keyrings, bubbles, lip balms and urm...a necklace which are all in the shape of some sort of cake or chocolate. I think this is like my subconscious feelings about my love of food coming through my conscious spending habits; my need, and desire, to buy all things wonderful. Well today I came across Alice from The Cupcake Diary Blog, and she makes Cake Jewellery! And hair clips! They are just too adorable, here is one set she has:

Aren't they delicious?! Yum Yum me want some...! Her store isn't fully set up yet but it will be any day now...click here for more of her goodies!

These are my collection of 'oh so sweety sweet' bits and bobs:

Number 1: My doughnut keyring. Which is totally battered now; paint work has cracked and I have filled gaps with cotton wool and cello tape, oh and a coat of brown nail varnish. I wished it still looked like this. Sigh. This is from Portobello Market.

Number 2: My ice-cream shaped bubble blower thing from Zara (I know...I was thinking the same thing). It amazingly smells of MINT to match the flavour of the ice-cream. I love it. Good bubbles too. The two mini cupcakes are lip balms. Flavoured to match its cake type. Yum. I got it cheap from a website, and they sell it for double the price in Urban Outfitters! They were supposed to be Christmas presents but I loved them too much so I kept them!

Number 3: My Hobnob keyring I made (^_^)

Number 4: My giant chocolate mirror. I got this from a Japanese website. This is my equivalent of a 'pocket mirror' which I carry around everywhere. I get verbally abused by my friends whenever I take this out. They question why the need for such a huge mirror. My answer: Why do I want a tiny mirror which can only show one eye? With this I can see my whole face and view my flaws properly. AND fix my hair if needed. This is a replacement of my old giant Boots mirror which I got for 50p. I tried to rescue it with cello tape too but no such luck. RIP mirror.

Number 5: My bitten Hershey's chocolate necklace. Also from Portobello Market. Its made from some rubber and its so cool. People thinks its real. That's how cool it is.


FashionSqueah! said...

I too am a fan of cute things which are wearable yet edible-looking! Thanks for the comment by the way, I've added you to our links and it'd be awesome if you linked us too!

AlicePleasance said...

Thank you so much for featuring me! I'll update the store this weekend :-)

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